


Special Olympics-svømmere til EM i Boxen

2.091 views 9. januar 2014

DHIF's 10 svømmere med udviklingshandicap præsenterede svømning ved EM i Jyske Bank Boxen på...

DIF Nyheder

Ride4Rehab kører for en god sag

2.158 views 29. august 2013

Onsdag startede Ride4Rehab fra Frederiksberg, og over de næste dage skal 17 hjemvendte soldater...

DIF Nyheder

EM i Dressur: Stinna vil i top 5!

3.482 views 21. august 2013

Det er mindre end et halvt år siden, at dressurrytteren Stinna Tange Kaastrup, der er født uden...

Fra specialforbund - Elite

DIF Soldaterprojekt: Alpincamp 2012 i Østrig

7.124 views 4. juli 2013

I november 2012 arrangerede DIF Soldaterprojekt en camp i Kaunertal i Østrig for skadede soldater...

Fra specialforbund - Elite

Clayton Braun was happy after the gold match

3.573 views 9. juni 2013

US #3 Clayton Braun was happy after winning the gold medals by beating the Aussies for the second...

Fra specialforbund - Elite

Miranda Biletski and Canada won the bronze medals

1.004 views 9. juni 2013

Miranda Biletski and Canada were happy after winning the bronze medals in 2013 Denmark Wheelchair...

Fra specialforbund - Elite

Wheelchair rugby challenge: Australia lost...

1.966 views 8. juni 2013

Chris Bond and his australian team ranks number one at the world ranking list. But today number...

Fra specialforbund - Elite

The US rugby team had a succesfull day with...

1.532 views 7. juni 2013

Chuck Aoki and the rest of the american wheelchair rugby team won 70-38 against Sweden and 60-39...

Fra specialforbund - Elite

Denmark was defaeted by Australia 48-66 in the...

1.127 views 7. juni 2013

The Danes had a hard time meeting the world ranking list number one, Australia. But the Danes did...

Fra specialforbund - Elite

The canadian rugby team has won todays first...

952 views 7. juni 2013

The young canadian player Zach Madell is satisfied with todays first match which the won 49-46...

Fra specialforbund - Elite

National coach at the danish wheelchair rugby...

1.349 views 6. juni 2013

National coach at the danish wheelchair rugby team Thor Johansson is looking forward to the...

Fra specialforbund - Elite

The swedish player, Tobias Sandberg, at...

764 views 6. juni 2013

The swedish player, Tobias Sandberg, is among the strongest players at Wheelchair Rugby Challenge...